Hudson Valley Gives, a 24-hour online day of giving started by the Community Foundation of Orange & Sullivan Counties is TOMORROW, Wednesday, May 19th!
Wallkill East Rotary is participating again this year to raise funds for our Wallkill East Rotary Adopt-a-Family Fund, established in 2020 to provide assistance to families in our club's service area that have been hit hard by COVID-19. To date, the fund has distributed over $60,000 to 140+ families in need. We have provided gift cards for food, clothing, and gas. The fund has also paid hotel expenses for families that have been displaced and has made payments to utility companies so gas & electricity is not turned off on families.
Requests still come in daily and we are hoping to raise additional funds during Hudson Valley Gives tomorrow so that we can continue to help as many people and families as possible! Please consider visiting our Hudson Valley Gives page- https://www.hvgives.org/organizations/wallkill-east-rotary and making a donation to the cause. Every single dollar helps our fellow community members!
#HVGives #givewhereyoulive #serviceaboveself #cfosny

#HVGives #givewhereyoulive #serviceaboveself #cfosny