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Tuesdays at 7:30am
at the
Town of Wallkill Golf Club
40 Sands Rd, Middletown, NY
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Rotary Theme 2024-25
Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick announced that the 2024-25 presidential theme is "The Magic of Rotary" and called on members to recognize and amplify the organization’s power to save lives.
News Stories
Hudson Valley Gives, a 24-hour online day of giving started by the Community Foundation of Orange & Sullivan Counties is TOMORROW, Wednesday, May 19th!
Wallkill East Rotary is participating again this year to raise funds for our Wallkill East Rotary Adopt-a-Family Fund, established in 2020 to provide assistance to families in our club's service area that have been hit hard by COVID-19.  To date, the fund has distributed over $60,000 to 140+ families in need.  We have provided gift cards for food, clothing, and gas.  The fund has also paid hotel expenses for families that have been displaced and has made payments to utility companies so gas & electricity is not turned off on families.
Requests still come in daily and we are hoping to raise additional funds during Hudson Valley Gives tomorrow so that we can continue to help as many people and families as possible!  Please consider visiting our Hudson Valley Gives page- and making a donation to the cause.  Every single dollar helps our fellow community members! 

#HVGives #givewhereyoulive #serviceaboveself #cfosny

On Saturday, March 27, 2021 from 10am-2pm, Wallkill East Rotary will host a drive-up & drop-off food drive at the Town of Crawford Senior & Community Center.  After the success of the food drive held in the Town of Wallkill last month, Wallkill East decided to schedule another one in conjunction with the food drive supported by Rotary District 7210.  The Town of Crawford Police Department is also a community partner for this event.
Non-perishable items can be dropped off between the hours of 10am and 2pm.  If you would rather not get out of your car you can place items in your trunk.  When you drive up, just pop the trunk and a Rotarian can take the items out. 
Wallkill East Rotary and The Town of Crawford Police Department thank you for any and all donations!

On Saturday, February 27, 2021 from 10am-2pm, Wallkill East Rotary will host a drive-up & drop-off food drive at the Town of Wallkill Community Center.  This is the second time Wallkill East will participate in a food drive supported by Rotary District 7210.  The Town of Wallkill Police Department is also a community partner for this event.
Non-perishable items can be dropped off between the hours of 10am and 2pm.  If you would rather not get out of your car you can place items in your trunk.  When you drive up, just pop the trunk and a Rotarian can take the items out.  ALl items received will be donated to The Salvation Army in Middletown.  If you are unsure of what to donate, the following items are in low supply and The Salvation Army would greatly appreciate receiving:
  • Rice (1 or 2 lbs. bags)
  • Spaghetti
  • Macaroni
  • Mac & cheese
  • Oatmeal
  • Cheerios
  • Cornflakes
  • Instant mashed potatoes
  • Tuna fish
  • Peanut butter
  • Dried black beans
  • Dried pinto beans
  • CANNED items:
    • Corn
    • Carrots
    • Mixed veggies
    • Sweet peas
    • Green beans
    • Beets
    • Tomatoes
    • Tomato sauce
    • Spaghetti sauce
    • Fruit cocktail
    • Peaches
    • Kidney beans
    • Black beans
    • Garbanzos
    • Corn beef
    • Chili with beans
    • Chicken
    • Spaghetti & meatballs
Wallkill East Rotary, The Town of Wallkill Police Department, and The Salvation Army of Middletown thank you for any and all donations!

In April 2020, Wallkill East Rotary started The Wallkill East Rotary Adopt-A-Family Fund, a community response initiative to support families hit hard by COVID-19.  Since it's inception, the fund has helped over 100 families with critical living needs and expenses.
To date, we have raised $58,083 through club funds, member donations, community grants, and Rotary District 7210 grant.  Almost $50,000 has been disbursed thus far to help 115 families with different needs including rent payments, medical bills, utility bills, medical prescriptions, gas cards, and food needs.  We have also continued existing partnerships and established many new ones with local community/agencies including:  the Pine Bush Central School District, Mental Health Association of Orange County, St. Paul's Church (Bullville), RECAP, HONOR, Legal Services of the Hudson Valley, and The Salvation Army (Middletown).
Our club plans to continue to raise money in various ways for this initiative, including participating again this year in Hudson Valley Gives on Wednesday, May 19, 2021.


Unfortunately we are not able to have an in-person Turkey Trot this year so we're trying something a little different for 2020!
For the ENTIRE MONTH of November, you can 'REGISTER' for the Trot.  For $20, you will receive a care package in the mail from Wallkill East Rotary, which will INCLUDE A RACE SHIRT!  To register you can mail us a check or you can go online to

On Thanksgiving morning (or any day in November) run any 5K course you would like (we say make it fast and flat so you can PR. HA!) and then enter your times online. 
And don't forget to take photos! Oh, how we will miss seeing all our trotters this year!  Get that turkey gear on, send us your photos, and also tag us on social media!  (Even if you don't technically register, we still want to see your photos!)
Sponsorship opportunities are still available!
We hope everyone is doing ok through these challenging times, above all staying safe, and we really hope to see you for a full-on Turkey Trot on November 25, 2021!
For the month of October, Wallkill East Rotary will be collecting new and gently used men's, women's, and children's winter coats.  The following businesses are drop off locations:
Alan Turken Allstate Insurance
50 Carpenter Avenue, Middletown
Orange Bank & Trust - 2 locations!
212 Dolson Avenue & 33 Trust Way, Middletown
Frank’s Custom Shoe Fitting
329 Route 211, Middletown
Rowley Development Corp.
99 Clinton Street, 2nd Floor, Montgomery

Tri-County Community Partnership
127 Route 302, Suite 5, Pine Bush
We are also doing a drive-by drop off on Saturday, October 17, 2020 from 10am-2pm at the Town of Wallkill Community Center located at 8 Wes Warren Drive, Middletown.  Just pull into the parking lot, pop your trunk, and we'll grab your coats!

All coats will be donated to people in our local community.  Thank you for your support!

Hudson Valley Gives, a 24-hour online day of giving started by the Community Foundation of Orange & Sullivan Counties is on Wednesday, May 20th, less than FOUR hours away!
Wallkill East Rotary is participating this year to raise funds for our newly established Wallkill East Rotary Adopt-a-Family Fund.  This fundprovides assistance to families in our club's service area that have been hit hard by COVID-19.  Thus far, the fund has provided gift cards for food, clothing, and gas.  The fund has paid hotel expenses for families that have been displaced and has made payments to utility companies so gas & electricity is not turned off on families.
The need is great and we are hoping to raise additional funds on May 20, 2020 so that we can help as many people and families as possible!  Please consider visiting our Hudson Valley Gives page- and making a donation to the cause.  Every single dollar helps our fellow community members! 

#HVGives #givewhereyoulive #serviceaboveself #cfosny

Wallkill East Rotary recently started The Wallkill East Rotary Adopt-A-Family Fund, which is a community response initiative to support families hit hard by COVID-19. Our club has created a fund where distributions will help families in our Rotary service area (Town of Wallkill & Pine Bush) with critical living needs and expenses.
Initially, we have established communication with the Middletown and Pine Bush school districts to assist in identifying and prioritizing the needs of these local families.  As the initiative evolves, we will be sourcing needs through other third party officials or programs.  This is meant to be anonymous support and the funds we provide are in the form of gift cards or money orders/checks made out to utility companies, landlords etc. We have already helped 3 families using seed money from our club and a grant from the The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan.
Our club plans to continue to raise money in various ways for this initiative, including participating in Hudson Valley Gives on Wednesday, May 20, 2020.  Please visit to make a donation to support this initiative.  The larger the fund, the more people and families we can help and support in our community!  

Given the current situation with regard to the Coronavirus and for the health and well-being of our club members, Wallkill East Rotary will be suspending all activities for the next 30 days. This includes our regular Tuesday morning meetings as well as our mixer and board meeting scheduled for next Friday, 3/20.

As of right now, we will plan to resume our weekly meetings on Tuesday, 4/14.

Please be well and we will see you in April!

The Wallkill East Rotary Club has completed its 13th annual dictionary distribution to third graders.  This year the dictionaries were given to third graders in the Pine Bush Central School District, the Harmony Christian School, the Middletown Christian School, and the Chapel Field Christian School.

Wallkill East distributed over 400 dictionaries in our area.  The Rotary club has chosen distribution of dictionaries to address one of the six primary focuses of Rotary International, which is Education and Literacy.

In the 13 years that this project has taken place, Wallkill East Rotary has given out over 4,400 dictionaries.  In addition, we have provided English/Spanish dictionaries when they are needed.  We receive the dictionaries from THE DICTIONARY PROJECT, which is an international project to provide dictionaries to students.

Dr. Bill Bassett, chair of the project for our club, is pictured here with some of the third grade recipients.

Due to the weather forecast, our regular Rotary meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, 12/17 has been cancelled.

The Wallkill East Rotary club will host its annual 5K TURKEY TROT for the 7th year on November 28, 2019 (Thanksgiving morning) at the Galleria at Crystal Run in the Town of Wallkill.  The course is outside and will start and end near the movie theater entrance to the Galleria.  (The registration table will be inside this entrance.)

The race starts at 8:30am and participants can walk or run the course.  As always, hats and costumes are encouraged and prizes will be given out for best get-ups.  (Judging will be just before the start of the race.)
The race has raised nearly $100,000 since it's inception in 2013.  This money goes to the Wallkill East Rotary Scholarship fund and other local charities and projects.

Visit to register online or to print out a registration form!  Sponsorship opportunities are also available.

$20 for an adult, $10 for a child, and $60 for a family of 4. (Postmarked by 11/01/19!)

After 11/01 and on race day- $25 for adults, $15 for a child, and $80 for a family of 4.

Options for picking up your bibs, shirts, and packets-
* RACE-WEEK: Tuesday, 11/26, 4:30-7pm
* RACE DAY: Thursday, 11/28 from 7-8:15am
For more information:
Wallkill East Rotary Facebook page
Or email

Canteen Vending Services out of Montgomery, NY donates food items to Wallkill East Rotary for the club to then donate to local food pantries and other organizations.  We are very appreciative of their support of our club.  We recently presented Joe and Rick and Canteen Vending with a plaque for our appreciation of everything they do for our club.

Due to the weather forecast, our regularly scheduled meeting tomorrow, 2/12/19, is cancelled.  


Back for it's 6th year, Wallkill East Rotary is hosting their annual Thanksgiving morning Turkey Trot 5K. The course will start and end at the Galleria at Crystal Run in the Town of Wallkill, NY. (Registration table is inside the movie theater entrance to the mall.)

** NEW START TIME: 8:30AM! **

Hats and costumes are encouraged! ** NEW THIS YEAR: Prizes for best costumes! Judging just before the start of the race. **


Visit to register online or to print out a registration form!

$20 for an adult, $10 for a child, and $60 for a family of 4. (Postmarked by 11/03/18!)

After 11/03 or on race day- $25 for adults, $15 for a child, and $80 for a family of 4.

Options for picking up your bibs, shirts, and packets-
* RACE-WEEK: Tuesday, 11/20, 4:30-7pm
* RACE DAY: Thursday, 11/22 from 7-8:15am

Visit or email for more information.

This September the following nineteen Wallkill East Rotary members, family, and friends received Paul Harris Fellows, or reached new levels of giving with the foundation.  To become a Paul Harris Fellow a person gives $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.  People who continue to make contributions to The Rotary Foundation may receive multiple Paul Harris Fellows.

During the 2017-2018 Rotary year, Wallkill East Rotary members gave $13,500 in total contributions after having an amazing year in 2016-2017 of over $10,000 given.  These 19 people are in addition to the 10 Paul Harris Fellows given at our January 2018 holiday party.
District Governor Nominee Tony Marmo presented certificates and pins to the following people at a special :

New Paul Harris Fellows
Scott Hamel, Wallkill East Rotarian
Amy Minutolo, Wallkill East Rotarian
Kim Miller, Wallkill East Rotarian
Brian Baird, Wallkill East Rotarian
Paul Harris Fellows +1
Jim Lawler, Wallkill East Rotarian
Bela Gesztesi, Wallkill East Rotarian
Mike Swensen, Wallkill East Rotarian
Paul Harris Fellows +2
Peggy Lucido, Wallkill East Rotarian
Stephen Plain, Wallkill East Rotarian
Paul Harris Fellow +4
Gregg Kroner, Wallkill East Rotarian
Paul Harris Fellow +5
Sal Lucido, Wallkill East Rotarian

Paul Harris Fellow +6
Alan Turken, Wallkill East Rotarian
Non-Rotarians Named Paul Harris Fellows
Helen Turken
Jean Corbi Ciappa
Patricia J. Lawler
Sue Hamel
Robert Vogt
Pamela Vogt
Barbara Alvarez, Deceased, Jay Alvarez accepting

Our annual Mother's Day Rose & Plant Sale is underway.  Place your orders today with any Wallkill East Rotarian!


* $20 donation per dozen
* Color options: red, rainbow, or single color (when available)
* Pick-up will be Friday, May 11th at Frank's Custom Shoe Fitting, 329 Route 211E, Middletown, NY.

* 4 ½" Pots $36/dozen donation
Non Stop Begonia/New Guinea Impatiens/Zonal Geranium
* 10" Hanging baskets $15.00 donation each
Non Stop Begonia/New Guinea Impatiens/Ivy Geranium
* Flats (32 plants/flat) $13 donation
Non Stop Begonia/New Guinea Impatiens/Zonal Geranium (same plants, same color in each flat)
* Pick-up will be Saturday, May 12th at a TBD time and Middletown location.

All proceeds benefit Wallkill East Rotary and the charities the club supports. Contact any Wallkill East Rotarian to purchase.

Logan grabs a breakfast sandwich with his mom at a local gas station each morning and noticed a man sleeping outside. He asked his mom why he was there and she explained that the man had no place to live. Logan took it upon himself to find out how he could help and Operation Socks was born!

Logan reached out to HONOR to find out what he could do and saw on their website that they serve 3,000 people a year.  So what else would an 11-year old do but set out to collect 3,000 pairs of socks for all the people HONOR serves?!  Wallkill East read about Logan's mission in the Times Herald Record and decided to reach out and help him reach his goal.

Sock goal met, Logan moved on to his next project.  Now he is looking to collect 3,000 new or gently used towels and washcloths for HONOR. If you would like to donate please contact any Wallkill East Rotarian or reach out to Operation Socks HQ directly at

Wallkill East Rotarian and Orange County Legislature Rob Sassi recognized Logan last month for all his efforts with Operation Socks HQ.

A few years back, Wallkill East Rotary adopted Tower Drive in the Town of Wallkill.  Each year since (and twice a year) we have gathered volunteers from our club to head out and pick-up garbage along the road.  Safety vests, "pickers," and garbage bags are all provided by the town.  

On Sunday, March 25, 2017, members of the Circleville Middle School Interact Club and Wallkill East Rotary Club participated in the Pets Alive Bowl A Thon, which raised also $5,000 for the agency.  The Interact club is very active with helping this agency and Wallkill East has always supported the club's efforts.  In addition to participating in the Bowl A Thon, the Interact and Rotary clubs also collected supplies for Pets Alive.  

Mário César Martins de Camargo calls on members to Unite for Good

The RI president-elect speaks about the power of Rotary’s members

Things to know about Mário

Get to know your 2025-26 Rotary president, Mário César Martins de Camargo of Brazil

Light a fire under your club

Light a fire under your clubMembers say they thrive with clear, specific goals and the continuity they

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

Service Inspiration
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Community Service
Rotary Day of Service Chair
Vocational Service
International Service
Club Service
Diversity Equity Inclusion
Public Relations
Financial Secretary
Immediate Past President
The Rotary Foundation
Youth Exchange
Club Service Projects Chair
What is Rotary?